IRON = window.IRON || {}; (function ($) { /*=============================================================================== ##### This file is available in both MP3 Audio Player Settings and Frontend ##### ===============================================================================*/ IRON.peaksCache = {}; // Cache peaks to avoid fetching them multiple times var loadFakeWaveOnly; IRON.init_generatePeaks = function (player = false){ if (loadFakeWaveOnly) return; if(player && player.stickyPlayer){ return; } var peakFile = false; if( player && typeof player.currentTrack != 'undefined'){ peakFile = player.list.tracks[player.currentTrack].peakFile; }else{ peakFile = IRON.sonaar.player.list.tracks[IRON.sonaar.player.currentTrack].peakFile; } if (!peakFile) { let audioSource = player ? player : IRON.sonaar.player; if (audioSource) { let currentTrack = audioSource.list.tracks[audioSource.currentTrack]; if (currentTrack) { if (currentTrack.peak_allow_frontend) { IRON.generatePeaks([{ "file": currentTrack.mp3, "post_id": currentTrack.sourcePostID, "media_id":, "index": currentTrack.track_pos, "is_preview": currentTrack.isPreview, "peak_file_type": currentTrack.peak_allow_frontend, }]); } } } } } IRON.generatePeaks = async function(files) { // Base condition to stop recursion audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); console.log('We are generating the soundwave ...'); const file = files[0]; try { const MAX_SIZE = 200 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB in bytes const response = await fetch(file.file); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`); } const contentLength = response.headers.get('Content-Length'); const fileSizeMB = parseInt(contentLength, 10) / (1024 * 1024); if (!isFirefox() && contentLength && parseInt(contentLength, 10) > MAX_SIZE) { // This will return false if contentLength is NaN console.log(`File is too large ( > 200MB) to generate waveform in this browser. Use Firefox to generate it for the first time. (${fileSizeMB.toFixed(2)} MB). Skipping: ${file.file}`); return; // Skip this file } console.log(`File is ${fileSizeMB.toFixed(2)} MB. Analyzing waveform of: ${file.file}`); const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); try { var audioBuffer = await audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer); let peaks = IRON.extractPeaks(audioBuffer); IRON.updatePeaksOnServer(file.post_id, file.media_id, file.index, peaks, file.file, file.is_temp, file.is_preview, file.peak_file_type); // Attempt to release the audioBuffer memory audioBuffer = null; } catch (decodeError) { console.error('Error decoding file:', file.file, decodeError); } } catch (fetchError) { console.error('Error fetching file:', file.file, fetchError); } function isFirefox() { return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; } } IRON.extractPeaks = function(audioBuffer, peakLength = 1920) { const channels = audioBuffer.numberOfChannels; const sampleSize = audioBuffer.length / peakLength; const sampleStep = ~~(sampleSize / 10) || 1; const peaks = []; for (let c = 0; c < channels; c++) { const chan = audioBuffer.getChannelData(c); for (let i = 0; i < peakLength; i++) { let start = ~~(i * sampleSize); let end = ~~(start + sampleSize); let min = chan[0]; let max = chan[0]; for (let j = start; j < end; j += sampleStep) { const value = chan[j]; if (value > max) max = value; if (value < min) min = value; } if (c === 0 || max > peaks[2 * i]) { peaks[2 * i] = Math.abs(max.toFixed(2)); } if (c === 0 || min < peaks[2 * i + 1]) { peaks[2 * i + 1] = Math.abs(min.toFixed(2)); } } } return peaks; } IRON.updatePeaksOnServer = function(postId, media_id, index, peaks, file = null, is_temp = null, is_preview = null, peak_file_type = null) { peaks = peaks.join(',').replace(/0\./gi,'.') $.ajax({ url: sonaar_music.ajax.ajax_url, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'update_post_audio_peaks', nonce: sonaar_music.ajax.ajax_nonce, post_id: postId, media_id: media_id, index: index, file: file, peaks: peaks, is_temp: is_temp, is_preview: is_preview, peak_file_type: peak_file_type, }, success: function(response) { console.log('Peaks updated for media_id:', media_id, ' post_id:', postId, 'index:', index, response); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error("Error updating peaks: ", textStatus, errorThrown); } }); } IRON.addDownloadSVGButton = function() { IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.saveSVG = true; var btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.innerHTML = "Download SVG"; = "absolute"; = "50px"; = "50px"; = "9999"; btn.onclick = function() { downloadSVG(IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.svgString); }; document.body.prepend(btn); function downloadSVG(svgData) { var blob = new Blob([svgData], { type: 'image/svg+xml' }); var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; = 'soundwave.svg'; document.body.appendChild(a);; setTimeout(function() { document.body.removeChild(a); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); } } createFakeWave = function (audioPlayer = true, imSticky = false, singleTrack = false) { if(!imSticky && !singleTrack && audioPlayer.remove_wave) return; if(sonaar_music.option.music_player_load_fakewave_only == 'on') loadFakeWaveOnly = true; if (imSticky && sonaar_music.option.sticky_spectro_container == 'inside' && sonaar_music.option.sticky_spectro_style != 'none') { return; // Early return if specific conditions are met } var waveId; if(singleTrack && singleTrack.index() < 20){ // for better performance, only manage the first 20 tracks. waveId = getWaveIdentifier(audioPlayer, imSticky, singleTrack); }else if(imSticky || audioPlayer && !singleTrack){ waveId = getWaveIdentifier(audioPlayer, imSticky, singleTrack); } if (!waveResizeHandlers.has(waveId)){ // Debounced resize handler for this specific wave const debouncedResizeHandler = debounce(() => { createFakeWave(audioPlayer, imSticky, singleTrack); }, 250); // Adjust the delay as needed // Add the resize listener and store the handler in the map window.addEventListener('resize', debouncedResizeHandler); waveResizeHandlers.set(waveId, debouncedResizeHandler); } var peaks = []; var barGap; var barWidth; var lineCap; var fadeDuration; var totalBarWidth; var waveBaseDiv; var waveBaseWidth; var canvasWidth; var canvasHeight; var desiredNumBars; var downsamplingFactor; var numBars; var peakFile = singleTrack && singleTrack.attr('data-peakFile') != '' ? singleTrack.attr('data-peakFile') : // If 'singleTrack' condition was false, check if 'imSticky' is truthy imSticky ? IRON.sonaar.player.list.tracks[IRON.sonaar.player.currentTrack].peakFile : // If 'imSticky' condition was false, check if 'audioPlayer' exists, 'audioPlayer.currentTrack' is defined, and the current track has a non-empty 'data-peakFile' attribute !singleTrack && audioPlayer && typeof audioPlayer.currentTrack != 'undefined' && audioPlayer.find('sr-playlist-item').eq(audioPlayer.currentTrack).attr('data-peakFile') != '' ? audioPlayer.find('.sr-playlist-item').eq(audioPlayer.currentTrack).attr('data-peakFile') : // If none of the above conditions were met, set 'peakFile' to false false; var defaultPeaks = "000010101110101110101011111010111011111111111011111111211111111111112121112121111121212121211121112232111121313121112222122221512132213121313121214242313222312132322131423131413132313122223132323222212221214222@=IGHJJG:NCCBA=;843352463453386757465563784252443563533372332551223354F;DE?89?=:A;:<@=98554475367:66636575444573D=CMDA@C:9;<==;8<97762345353444553333432453241655463644443533222433334446452323443223344565775523345425232333233312232223332122222324123233222232322322222311222111131129B:?CCLN@F9;;:668334222223334526255445322232523153338232324323329AA?G@7EB><;:645235142524956:27:56434343324332335192514224234322;>F<@HC?>=87833432323260596659445456542332BGNC65@?<<<<7743445455476534333415663834744544432323222323334326644222232478595<7@<;=><>?;><54;:6575241322232222222213131434433222122212121113122222311211121C2NLFQHA:G@DE>=>C@??;;:82873346643354535233253433341354333422222J2=>FMC@BE=9<:44332231:6:<9>;???>>;>;:8563383343333363222E5=@AG?>?:<=?8=<=><96832553545554334445442J2GALPD<:KBJBG?A=C=:7><867744434556432233443254444735254444454244422423434435543322432;988@<=<>?>:=A??<9;;;638524233322132232233423252333434224232224232232333322121222332?HK9BBGQC?B?=EBB;K==>C;;74336865763532534334547354435442245443:3?HF<>A?A85:;;?646453<4;889C;?@:??>@>9>@77;@89:;24164736442534289FIC=A@<>?<:97856846756489:9:86663567579544E??GFBNGA?<8E:5348766355505416857769645655764537@::?@CFHFFL=9;;663474525596?=8=EB?A@@G:AA@@@<9>:4988295<3554454455363>A>?FI?B?;?:>9>=:874549373:872568634648662IJDBHOFF?F=CAB?=5884955586567444959345767469859665647874557564635375636264856377>?::E?F;55:7553544788765766;355587473559675467677O;O:EJBA?CA;8676737464::@::=@NA?JD=BB@AC<>>98;928665839656;47585;C;CMC7<<@5@DH?BEI9BC=;6;8;:8>989;:CC@CE>?B;?>EB:>>9=B;A=?9??9;BSCENQ?HCIFRG=465;998==DF@=ADA;:76:<8;=B@HEIKM;DBCG?=EBD@BD@?>>BBC9>AAD:9>=:9IB2SJFJEMCBG@<=FJMA?@JIFMHCBKMBZI9D=59:B3<;=66CE>F@A<<@F:;886;9:>IIM>NLNDDLH>EDID@FABD<@DB>A>?A@=>>@9;>:B>??SXKXVPSGKUFE?DH87><<8AA@E=;<:MBE=@KTLMHM?IA9<86:07:E44;I85HE97EB:6=<6:8<;D=?<8IEEB;=BED<@9;BB@<;1>?F5CGG<9E<168:597>4@8;79:;=G==995C>?::5KCMFJAEGEQ>E?IA7<3:C?NE35:95:8L@GQE@@BFCKFJ==4@AHB;5?6GA>8<;@=<:@AD89;77BH99CJ<5A<936;9965=99?;BL;B>CF;=A>MF?=C@>@;>>4:?><>=?PWBOTJWNAOC9?67:7:88;:D?=?GIA??9?9C=@@?:@9BD;AACJRIC7FDDCC?D=D<6D>C@EMHFANFDFFCG@H8>DXEQK??F?EGNEUIB;=68?JC<@@57EC=7:=2:7LHHDADPABKJQQ?E@CADFC:EA?EJ@NFB>@>EB?97A<=@9>B?8D>BA@A>?>>?<=7JKOPTZGGGGN>MJIBKB=5F>CB=HOJ?I?@AHB;ECB=H<=DNCOMNBEFE@=7C9<<<;7:;9?6@<@;:9=7=54586:75@SOLKYSFFCFUPEBOB=KNF;CD65@;A49:8;=;I?8@<4<=9:<67784946:8:;274839667:77487967657638367938756748445735635:36474645496845346824556533446747546513331254673444233325443432341221252533342323331232232313243323221222231313332113221222121222112212211212111212111111111111111112111111111111111101111111110111110111111101000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; async function getPeaksFromJSON(peakFile) { if (IRON.peaksCache[peakFile]) { //console.log('get file from cache : ', peakFile); return IRON.peaksCache[peakFile]; } else if (IRON.peaksCache[peakFile] === undefined) { // Store a promise in the cache for the ongoing fetch //console.log('load the peak! : ', peakFile); IRON.peaksCache[peakFile] = fetch(peakFile) .then(response => response.text()) .then(peaksData => { const peaks = peaksData.split('').map(c => (c.charCodeAt() - 48) / 100); return peaks; }); return IRON.peaksCache[peakFile]; } else { // Wait for the ongoing fetch to complete return await IRON.peaksCache[peakFile]; } } function shuffleArray(array) { for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]]; // Swap elements } } (async () => { if (loadFakeWaveOnly || !peakFile) { //If we force fakewave from plugin option or peakfile does not exist peaks = defaultPeaks.split('').map(c => (c.charCodeAt() - 48) / 100); shuffleArray(peaks); } else { peaks = await getPeaksFromJSON(peakFile); } const progressType = ( singleTrack && typeof'tracklist-soundwave-style') !== 'undefined' ) ?'tracklist-soundwave-style') : audioPlayer.progressType; function initCreateWaves(){ if (!imSticky && progressType == "simplebar" || imSticky && sonaar_music.option.waveformType == "simplebar") return; const container = sr_canvas_container; $(container).parents('.sonaar_fake_wave').find('.sonaar_wave_cut').css('display', 'none'); $(container).parents('.sonaar_fake_wave').find('.sonaar_wave_cut').css('width', '0px'); waveBaseDiv = container.closest(".sonaar_fake_wave"); waveBaseWidth = waveBaseDiv.clientWidth; canvasWidth = waveBaseWidth; canvasHeight = container.height; barWidth = parseInt($(container).parents('[data-wave-bar-width]').attr('data-wave-bar-width'),10) || parseInt(sonaar_music.option.music_player_barwidth, 10) || 2; // Adjust as needed lineCap = $(container).parents('[data-wave-line-cap]').attr('data-wave-line-cap') || sonaar_music.option.music_player_linecap || 'square'; // Can be 'butt', 'round', or 'square' if($(container).parents('[data-wave-bar-gap]').length){//if shortcode parameters is set barGap = parseInt($(container).parents('[data-wave-bar-gap]').attr('data-wave-bar-gap'),10); }else if(typeof sonaar_music.option.music_player_bargap !== 'undefined'){ // plugin option barGap = parseInt(sonaar_music.option.music_player_bargap, 10); }else{ barGap = 0; } if($(container).parents('[data-wave-fadein]').length){ //if shortcode parameters is set fadeDuration = ($(container).parents('[data-wave-fadein]').attr('data-wave-fadein')==='false')? 1 : 350; }else if(typeof sonaar_music.option.music_player_wave_disable_fadein !== 'undefined'){ // plugin option fadeDuration = ( sonaar_music.option.music_player_wave_disable_fadein !== 'on')? 350 : 1; }else{ fadeDuration = 350; // Duration in milliseconds for each bar to fully appear } if(singleTrack){ fadeDuration = 1; } totalBarWidth = barWidth + barGap; desiredNumBars = canvasWidth / totalBarWidth; downsamplingFactor = peaks.length / desiredNumBars; // Calculate the downsampling factor dynamically based on desired number of bars numBars = Math.ceil(peaks.length / downsamplingFactor); if(typeof waveColor === 'undefined'){ waveColor = '#000000'; }; if(typeof waveProgressColor === 'undefined'){ waveProgressColor = '#202020'; }; createWaves(sr_canvas_container, waveColor, lineCap); createWaves(sr_canvas_progress, waveProgressColor, lineCap); } function createWaves(container, waveColor, lineCap) { const canvas = container; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.height = canvasHeight; ctx.lineCap = lineCap; ctx.lineWidth = Math.floor(barWidth); // Ensure integer value var imProgressBar = false; if($(container).parents('.sonaar_wave_cut').length){ imProgressBar = true; } //canvas.width = waveBaseWidth; /*console.log('------------------'); console.log(audioPlayer[0]); console.log("Peaks Length Total: ", peaks.length); console.log("Canvas Width:", canvasWidth); console.log("totalBarWidth:", totalBarWidth); console.log("desiredNumBars:", desiredNumBars); console.log("downsamplingFactor:", downsamplingFactor); console.log("numBars:", numBars);*/ var barColor; if (waveColor.substring(0, 3) === "rgb") { barColor = reformatRgb(waveColor); }else{ barColor = hexToRgb(waveColor); } const startTime =; // Start time of the animation function drawBars() { if(!imSticky && !singleTrack && IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.saveSVG){ IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.svgElements = []; } ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); // Clear the canvas const currentTime =; let anyBarNotFullyOpaque = false; const modifHeight = (lineCap === 'butt') ? 0 : barWidth; const maxHeight = Math.floor((canvasHeight - modifHeight) * 2); const maxPeak = Math.max(...peaks); const scalingFactor = maxHeight / (maxPeak * 2); for (let i = 0; i < numBars; i++) { const index = Math.floor(i * downsamplingFactor); let barHeight = peaks[index] * scalingFactor; if(imProgressBar){ barHeight = barHeight + 2.5; } barHeight = Math.floor(barHeight); barHeight = barHeight === 1 ? 2 : barHeight; const x = Math.floor(i * (barWidth + barGap)); const y = Math.round((canvasHeight - barHeight)/2); const timeElapsed = currentTime - startTime; let opacity = (timeElapsed - i * (fadeDuration / numBars)) / fadeDuration; opacity = Math.min(Math.max(opacity, 0), barColor.a); // Ensure opacity doesn't exceed initial alpha value ctx.strokeStyle = `rgba(${barColor.r}, ${barColor.g}, ${barColor.b}, ${opacity})`; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x + barWidth / 2, y); ctx.lineTo(x + barWidth / 2, y + barHeight); ctx.stroke(); if(!imSticky && !singleTrack && IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.saveSVG){ IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.svgElements.push(``); //square IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.svgElements.push(``); } if (opacity < barColor.a) { anyBarNotFullyOpaque = true; } } if(!imSticky && !singleTrack && IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.saveSVG){ IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.svgString = `${IRON.addDownloadSVGButton.svgElements.join('')}`; } if (anyBarNotFullyOpaque) { requestAnimationFrame(drawBars); } } drawBars(); // Start the animation $(container).parents('.sonaar_fake_wave').find('.sonaar_wave_cut').css('display', 'inherit'); }; function hexToRgb(hex) { let r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1; // Remove the hash at the start if it's there hex = hex.replace(/^#/, ''); if (hex.length === 3) { // Convert #RGB to #RRGGBB hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2]; } if (hex.length === 6) { // Process it as #RRGGBB r = parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16); g = parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16); b = parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16); } else if (hex.length === 8) { // Process it as #RRGGBBAA r = parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16); g = parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16); b = parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16); a = parseInt(hex.slice(6, 8), 16) / 255; } return { r, g, b, a }; } function reformatRgb(color) { const colorValues = color.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)%?/g).map(Number); const isRGBA = color.includes("rgba"); const alpha = isRGBA ? colorValues[3] : 1; return { r: colorValues[0], g: colorValues[1], b: colorValues[2], a: alpha }; } var waveColor = $(audioPlayer).attr('data-wave-color') || audioPlayer.soundwaveColorBG || sonaar_music.option.music_player_timeline_color; var waveProgressColor = $(audioPlayer).attr('data-wave-progress-color') || audioPlayer.soundwaveProgressColor || sonaar_music.option.music_player_progress_color; if(singleTrack){ if(typeof'tracklist-wave-color') != 'undedined') { waveColor ='tracklist-wave-color') || sonaar_music.option.music_player_timeline_color; } if(typeof'tracklist-wave-progress-color') != 'undedined') { waveProgressColor ='tracklist-wave-progress-color') || sonaar_music.option.music_player_progress_color; } } /*if (IRON.isSonaarTheme && srp_pluginEnable) { IRON.audioPlayer.stickyEnable = true; }*/ if (imSticky && sonaar_music.option.waveformType == "simplebar" ) { // set the heights of the bars let barHeight = (typeof sonaar_music.option.sr_soundwave_height_simplebar !== 'undefined') ? sonaar_music.option.sr_soundwave_height_simplebar + "px" : ""; let cssCode = '.sonaar_fake_wave .sonaar_wave_base, .sonaar_fake_wave .sonaar_wave_cut, div#sonaar-player .srp_extendedPlayer_container .sr_progressbar_sticky .wave{ height: ' + barHeight +' !important;}'; let $inlineStyle = $("#sonaar-music-inline-css"); if ($inlineStyle.length === 0 || !$inlineStyle.text().includes(cssCode)) { $inlineStyle.append(cssCode); } } // RETURN IF SIMPLE BAR IS USED - NO NEED TO CREATE FAKEWAVES. This is 100% sur that sticky and player are simplebar. if (sonaar_music.option.waveformType == "simplebar" && progressType !== "mediaElement") { return; } if( progressType == "simplebar" ){ audioPlayer = false; // set audio player to false because we wont use it anymore } if(singleTrack){ var soundwaveWrapper = $(singleTrack).find('.srp_soundwave_wrapper'); //soundwaveWrapper.css('width', '100%'); soundwaveWrapper.find('.sonaar_fake_wave').css('height', '40px').css('margin-top', '0px').css('margin-bottom', '0px'); var sr_canvas_container = $(singleTrack).find('.sonaar_wave_base canvas')[0]; var sr_canvas_progress = $(singleTrack).find('.sonaar_wave_cut canvas')[0]; containerHeight = $(singleTrack).find(".sonaar_fake_wave").css("height"); sr_canvas_container.height = parseInt(containerHeight, 10); sr_canvas_progress.height = parseInt(containerHeight, 10); }else if ( audioPlayer ) { var sr_canvas_container = $(audioPlayer).find('.album-player .sonaar_wave_base canvas')[0]; var sr_canvas_progress = $(audioPlayer).find('.album-player .sonaar_wave_cut canvas')[0]; if( $(audioPlayer).find(".album-player .sonaar_fake_wave").css("height") === "0px" ){ $(audioPlayer).find(".album-player .sonaar_fake_wave").css("height", "70px"); }; containerHeight = $(audioPlayer).find(".album-player .sonaar_fake_wave").css("height"); sr_canvas_container.height = parseInt(containerHeight, 10); sr_canvas_progress.height = parseInt(containerHeight, 10); if(!imSticky){ audioPlayer.find('.album-player .sonaar_wave_base').css('background-color', 'unset'); audioPlayer.find('.album-player .sonaar_wave_cut').css('background-color', 'unset'); } } //CREATE THE RANDOM PEAK BARS with conditions to prevent to many if. numBars is pretty high if( !imSticky && typeof sr_canvas_container !== 'undefined' && sr_canvas_container !== null ){ // PLAYER initCreateWaves(); return; } if(imSticky ){ // STICKY PLAYER var sr_canvas_container = document.getElementById('splayer-wave-container'); var sr_canvas_progress = document.getElementById('splayer-wave-progress'); //set soundwave colors if (typeof IRON.audioPlayer.activePlayer !== 'undefined' && IRON.audioPlayer.activePlayer.adaptiveColors && sonaar_music.option.sticky_player_disable_adaptive_colors != 'true'){ waveColor = (typeof IRON.audioPlayer !== 'undefined' && typeof IRON.audioPlayer.activePlayer.adaptiveColors !== 'undefined') ? IRON.audioPlayer.activePlayer.paletteColorsHex[2] : sonaar_music.option.sticky_player_soundwave_bars; waveProgressColor = (typeof IRON.audioPlayer !== 'undefined' && typeof IRON.audioPlayer.activePlayer.adaptiveColors !== 'undefined') ? IRON.audioPlayer.activePlayer.paletteColorsHex[1] : sonaar_music.option.sticky_player_soundwave_progress_bars; }else{ waveColor = sonaar_music.option.sticky_player_soundwave_bars; waveProgressColor = sonaar_music.option.sticky_player_soundwave_progress_bars; } initCreateWaves(); return; } })(); }; // Debounce function function debounce(func, wait) { let timeout; return function(...args) { const context = this; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), wait); }; } // Function to generate a unique identifier for each wave function getWaveIdentifier(audioPlayer, imSticky, singleTrack) { let identifier = ''; if (audioPlayer) { if(!singleTrack){ identifier += 'player_' +; } } if (imSticky) { identifier += 'sticky'; } if (singleTrack && singleTrack.length > 0) { const trackIndex = singleTrack.index(); identifier += 'player_' + + '_trackIndex_' + trackIndex; } return identifier || 'default'; } removePlayerResizeListeners = function(playerId) { waveResizeHandlers.forEach((handler, waveId) => { if (waveId && waveId.includes("trackIndex_")) { if(waveId.includes(playerId)){ window.removeEventListener('resize', handler); waveResizeHandlers.delete(waveId); // Remove the item from the map } } }); } const waveResizeHandlers = new Map(); // Assign the function to the IRON object IRON.createFakeWave = createFakeWave; // IRON.createFakeWave introduced in v5, but MP3 Audio Player Pro v4 supports only createFakeWave(). So we need to keep both for backward compatibility IRON.removePlayerResizeListeners = removePlayerResizeListeners; //Replace CTA button by ellipsis on small device sr_playerCTAresponsive = function () { $('.iron-audioplayer:not(.srp_has_customfields):not(.srp_tracklist_grid)').each(function () { const selector = $(this).parents('[class*="sr_track_inline_cta_bt"]:not(.srp_track_cta_fixed)'); if( selector.length ){ let sr_ctaEnable = true; $(this).find('.sr-playlist-item:not([data-relatedtrack="1"])').each(function () { const min_breakpoint = ($(this).find('.audio-track').width() < 200 )? 200: $(this).find('.audio-track').width(); if( min_breakpoint + $(this).find('.song-store-list-container').width() >= $(this).width()){ sr_ctaEnable = false; } }) if (sr_ctaEnable ) { selector.removeClass('sr_track_inline_cta_bt__no') selector.addClass('sr_track_inline_cta_bt__yes') } else { selector.removeClass('sr_track_inline_cta_bt__yes') selector.addClass('sr_track_inline_cta_bt__no') } } }) } //Close And Open Player widget Store List container $(document).on('click', function () { closeStoreListContainer('.srp_cta_opened'); }); $('.store-list').on('click', function () { if (!$(this).find('.srp_cta_opened').length) { openStoreListContainer($(this).find('.song-store-list-menu')[0]); } }); openStoreListContainer = function (el) { if ($(el).parents('.sr_track_inline_cta_bt__yes').length) { return; } closeStoreListContainer('.srp_cta_opened'); var theyShouldBeClosed = setInterval(function () { // Wait until all other store list container is closed if ($('.srp_cta_opened').length == 0) { $(el).find('.song-store-list-container').show(0, function () { }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 150, function () { $(el).find('.song-store-list-container').addClass('srp_cta_opened'); }); $(el).find('.song-store-list-container').addClass('srp_cta_ready'); clearInterval(theyShouldBeClosed); } }, 100); } closeStoreListContainer = function (el) { if ($(el).parents('.sr_track_inline_cta_bt__yes').length) { return; } $(el).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 150, 'swing', function () { $(el).hide(0); }); $(el).removeClass('srp_cta_opened'); } //Call Function on window Resize let resizeTimer; $(window).resize(function () { if (resizeTimer != null) window.clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = window.setTimeout(function () { //Call function here... sr_playerCTAresponsive(); }, 200); }); //Take "01:05:25" and return "3925" sec. convertTime = function (time) { time = time.toString().split(':').reverse(); let newTime = 0; $(time).each(function (index) { newTime = newTime + parseInt(this) * (60 ** (index)); }) return (newTime); } })(jQuery); //Check if the we are int the guttenberg editor function isGutenbergActive() { return document.body.classList.contains('block-editor-page'); }